ASME's Mechanical Engine…ing Toolkit 1997 December
ASME's Mechanical Engineering Toolkit 1997 December.iso
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Assembly Source File
78 lines
; Printer Port ROM BIOS Interface Library
_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' ; Place the code in the code segment
assume CS:_TEXT ; Assume the CS register points to it
; _prtInit(port)
; Function: Initialize the printer port specified. Returns the port status.
; Algorithm: Call the ROM BIOS printer init function; int 17H, AH = 0.
public _prtInit ; Routine is available to other modules
port = 4 ; Offset from BP to parameter port
_prtInit proc near ; NEAR type subroutine
push bp ; Save BP register
mov bp,sp ; Set BP to SP; easier to get parameters
mov dx,[bp+port] ; Set DX to the port number
mov ah,1 ; Set AH to 1 (init port function)
int 17H ; Call ROM BIOS printer port interrupt
mov al,ah ; Return status in AX
xor ah,ah ; With high byte zero
pop bp ; Restore the BP register
ret ; Return to calling program
_prtInit endp ; End of subroutine
; _prtPrint(port,char)
; Function: Print the character char on port port. Return the port status.
; Algorithm: Call the ROM BIOS print char function; int 17H, AH = 0.
public _prtPrint ; Routine is available to other modules
port = 4 ; Offset from BP to parameter port
char = 6 ; Offset to parameter char
_prtPrint proc near ; NEAR type subroutine
push bp ; Save BP register
mov bp,sp ; Set BP to SP; easier to get parameters
mov dx,[bp+port] ; Set DX to the port number
mov al,[bp+char] ; Set AL to the character
mov ah,0 ; Set AH to 0 (print char function)
int 17H ; Call ROM BIOS printer port interrupt
mov al,ah ; Return the status in AX
xor ah,ah ; With the top byte zero
pop bp ; Restore the BP register
ret ; Return to calling program
_prtPrint endp ; End of subroutine
; _prtStat(port)
; Function: Return the status of the printer port specified.
; Algorithm: Call the ROM BIOS printer status function; int 17H, AH = 2.
public _prtStat ; Routine is available to other modules
port = 4 ; Offset from BP to parameter port
_prtStat proc near ; NEAR type subroutine
push bp ; Save BP register
mov bp,sp ; Set BP to SP; easier to get parameters
mov dx,[bp+port] ; Set BH to the port number
mov ah,2 ; Set AH to 2 (printer status function)
int 17H ; Call ROM BIOS printer port interrupt
mov al,ah ; Return status in AX
xor ah,ah ; With the top byte zero
pop bp ; Restore the BP register
ret ; Return to calling program
_prtStat endp ; End of subroutine
_TEXT ends ; End of code segment
end ; End of assembly code